Awareness for being Self Dependent
There is no doubt that government has done a lot for the poor and the old people, but the efforts are not gaining any fruit. It is because people are not aware of the given facilities or don’t know how to attain the various benefits that are associated with such programs. And this situation has resulted in declining the condition of deprived people to great extent.
Viewing this state of affair, the Aggarjan Magazine is working to create awareness among the deprived and old people about the various facilities and thus, is helping them to become self dependent. Whether it is the education of the poor children, financial assistance to the older people (which is given through old-age-pension), reduction in the prices of various commodities (which is only for the deprived people) or any other such scheme; we educate the people of Aggarwal Society about the available and the best options.
We edify the old and poor people that how important it is to become self dependent. We not only encourage, but also help them to become self dependent. The inspired women working for the Aggarjan Patrika have forwarded a step to improve the overall condition of the old and deprived people. But, we need your support to achieve our goal and are expecting that all the Aggarwal families, along with others, will join this league.