Preventing Families from Dowry System
You will be surprised to know the rate at which the dowry related deaths are occurring. The average rate is one death per hour. And who is suffering most from this problem is the bride. However it is not only the bride who suffers, but it also leaves an adverse effect on her family. No matter how much we are educated or how civilized our society is; until the social evils like dowry problem, female feticide, the rape cases are killing the happiness of women, we will not be able move forward.
Although many legislations have been passed to deal with this problem and various campaigns have been started but it needs a lot of efforts to walk the talk. After examining the whole situation, the staff of Aggarjan Patrika has come to the decision that drastic overhaul is in demand to bring this drastic change. Therefore, we have started dealing with this problem at the society level first, which will slowly bring change on the bigger level.
Though our main aim is to educate the women of Aggarwal Society and ensure economic independence for them, but we also involve the families to take a resolution for not being involved in this practice. Aggarjan Patrika works on the belief that the dowry problem will only be dealt if women themselves will fight against this dishonor. The educated, self reliance and self dependent women will definitely change the attitude of the society.